暴走法条君·Crazy Court

播出平台: 优酷土豆

播出时间: 周三00:00

播出时长 : 45分钟

主持人: 谢娜







“Crazycourt”, co-produced by Youku and Visionary Media, is a drama talk show that is specially designed for post 90s. The show simulates serious court. Chinese famous host Na Xie is the judge, and other stars are leaders of lawyer. Six characteristic lawyers help their leader to debate in the court. It is an unprecedented court, a funny talk show. “Crazycourt” seems to build a funny court, but actually is a way to release the pressure of the age. With the help of different topics on trend, the show talks about the happiness and sadness of ordinary people, and the absurd reality in the big data age.

“Crazycourt” was an  Internet show in the summer of Youku. It had 830 million clicking rate .The Weibo topic was read 1.72 billion, and was discussed 11.9 million times. Topics like #Na, see you in the court# #Zongxian Wu talked about Jielun# rank top 3.



